Hello my peeps! How is everyone doing today? Good I hope!
I feel like I’ve been away forever! It’s really only been a 5 days but I had been posting every day so it seems like ages!
Let’s get right to it… why don’t we?
Weighin’ in! I did a little ricochet over the weekend. Up 2 pounds. I won’t lie, I ate all my bad for me favorites and shared a big ol’ bottle of wine with a friend. :) It was worth it. I had to give that way of eating a proper send off!!!
Starting Weight Jan 3rd: 145
Ideal Weight: 110-115
Weight at Cinch! Start:
Day 1 beginning weight: 139.6
Day 2 beginning weight: 138.4
Day 3 beginning weight: 137.2
Today is the start of day three! And I’m feeling good!
Actually that’s a complete lie. I feel like crap. But not because of the detox. I am still battling this cold. :( It’s been rough. I’m congested in my head and chest and am hopeful that it lets up soon. I didn’t sleep last night at all. Up and down. Up and down. Hacking up a lung.
Fortunately because of the detox I’m off the gym this week. I wouldn’t have made it anyway, my head is pounding. But for accountable purposes. I went l last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday! No misses even with my cold! (I was not this sick last week though.) And because I knew I would be off this week I even went on Sunday! See, told you I meant this whole healthy thing! ;)
As for Cinch! It’s not that bad. I haven’t been hungry at all. I also have a cold though so that’s helping me overcome. Amanda and Tammy say they are both hungry. But I just haven’t felt it. In fact I’m usually stuffed after just a portion of the meal and I save some for an in between snack until the next meal. It’s really easy to follow the plan. I highly recommend it.
It’s good. I’m happy it’s the one I choose and even happier with my results so far. I can tell you 100% my pants are looser today and I’m in a full belt notch. And that feels good!
I’m hoping to lose another 7 in the next three days. That is a stretch (more likely I will lose 3-4 more) but I’m hoping for 7 because then I would only have 15-20 left to lose. Fingers crossed!!!! It’s not unheard of. A lot of the ladies on this lost 9-10.
So that’s my weekly weigh in! I have other things to post about to but it will have to wait. I’m on lots of cold meds and behind at work so I better get back to it. Just needed to take a little break and enjoy some tea. :)
Until next time…
Carmen and the Primcats