I’m confessing… I bought a pumpkin. I should have my fingers wrapped with a ruler for this one after realizing how many I have. LOL! I'm not even going to fib to you. I actually bought this one and 5 more small ones at the goodwill's. I should have my butt kicked. I can’t help it. I love pumpkins! And this one was only $0.49! How could I say no!
How cute is this? Lets see who’s paying attention? A large red and white candle warmer and a USA sign. This is a heads up… I’m not keeping this. :) So keep an eye out because it’s going bye bye by via way of a giveaway at some point!!
Think Spring! A cute little nest!
Find of the day! A whole boat load of sheep stuff.
Here we have a Primitives by Kathy Plate and three awesome blossom bucket sheep!
Three more Blossom bucket sheep!
Two more baby Blossom Bucket sheep!
Aw… teeny tiny!
A wool sign and 2 more sheep!
Bah Bah!
A little mammy! So adorable!
Three Spring birds!
Three Candle Sticks
A cute basket!
And best! A crock stand!!! Love this! You know you have seen this in the Irvins Tinware magazine. Lucky me!
That’s it for this weeks Thrifty Thursday!
Be back later with my giveaway winner!
Until next time…
Carmen and the Primcats
Carmen, I'm sorry to say - "NOT FAIR" my GW doesn't hold a candle to yours. I've never hit the jackpot like you just did. I love it all, but that simple little "Wool" sign is WAY cute. ~Ann
Please do not tell me that you scored this in one stop... Okay, now I have to quit being lazy and get out there hunting again. Skipped a trip the beginning of this week, but your post has inspired me to take off tomorrow morning. Love your finds! :)
Oh my goodness~what a score!! I would just cry to find all those sheep :) and a pumpkin for .49...you would have kicked yourself for passing that up!
Have a great day~Stacy
Wow Carmen! What great finds! MY Goodwill never has goodies like this! Glad you decided to get the pumpkin, what a deal! Love the sheep and the wool sign!
Carmen, dear, you sure did find some goodies! So many sheep, if you didn't have a collection before, you do now, LOL...
What's one more pumpkin anyhow?
I went to GW yesterday and left with nothing:( You must have an amazing place to shop. I love the little mommy doll. She's so cute. Glad you had a great time thrifting. -Steph-
Hello Missy Girl....
Such a fun post - you didn't get this ALL at one stop/shop!!!!
Amazing and just look at all those little sheep. A girl after my own heart.
And Carmen....you can't have too many pumpkins - they can be placed just EVERYWHERE!
Oh, my goodness--you really hit the jackpot! I love those sheep and the wool sign! I've been wanting one of those baskets, too. You are so lucky!! :) ~Karen
Holy cow I want to go to your thrift store. I cannot believe what you found. That stand alone was a great find.
Ok that's it ~ I'm going to have to stop being lazy & drive down to your thrift stores! LOVE all the goodies! I checked the goodwill here yesterday & they only had 1 ugly pumpkin for $3!!! :( Don't feel bad about buying it ~ you still have plenty of room left! :O) Can't wait to see who wins the giveaway!!
I'd love to get a look at the people donating to your Goodwill ~ What are they THINKING?! Great finds Carmen. Love all the sheep and you would be crazy to pass up a 49 cent pumpkin ~ I just looked at them at Hobby Lobby yesterday . . . that size is 13 bucks!
Wow, what a load of cute stuff. I like those Americana items *wink wink* Do you have a doll house or miniature farmhouse for your lil sheep? That could be the next thing on your list ;-)
WOW......what great finds! Our GW has nothing like the items you found. Love the crock stand.
Have a great day!
Wow...I want to go shopping with you at your GW!! I haven't found as much at our GW lately. Used to be able to find all kinds of prim and country goodies.
I love, love, love your crock stand!! I've been wanting one of these forever. I've seen a few at the antique mall, but they want $110.00 for them.
Can't wait to see who wins your giveaway.
First--poor Gizzy and that taunting crow....... love the concentration.
And all those sheep? my good gravy! I would have snagged them all too!
And the crock stand? You are living right, girl!
Warmest autumn blessings,
Thanks for your kind words re: Clifford
Holy haul Girlfriend....Yikes!! And, while I knew we were kindred soul pumpkin hoarders, I did not realize that you also are on your way to a sheep addiction. Welcome to my sheep and pumpkin filled world! ;o) Love the little "wool" sign and the crock stand too...yikes...Can you say "SCORE"?!! Have a happy Thursday!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Wow great shopping. By the way- we share the great love of kitties!
Wow Carmen, Such wonderful goodies you got at the thrift shop. Who could part with all those precious sheep? And that crock stand? And all the other things are great. I would definitely be doing a happy dance. And the pumpkin,,,, never can have too many. Love it.
Take care
Looks like your timing was excellent! That pumpkin looks so real--how could you pass it up? And, wow, that crock stand was quite a find! All those goodies in one day--amazing. ~Roberta
You got lots of great stuff! Love the little sheep! So Baaahtiful! LOL!
Thanks for sharing,
Have a good weekend!
There is no such thing as too many pumpkins! ;D
I am so jealous of all those sheep!
You seriously scored some great stuff!
Blessings, Jessica
I think I would have screamed with delight in the store had I seen all of the sheep and the wool sign, lol. I haven't gotten thrifting in a loooong time. I was thinking of going yesterday when it was 50% off day and decided to get some cleaning done around the house. Did I make the right decision? lol.
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