The Heritage Festival was also going on that day and there was a really cool encampment on the property from times gone by. That was really fun too.
Here are out pics from the day. Sorry no booth pics. I didn’t ask anyone and I was way to caught up in the pretties to take pics! I did shop a lot (Imagine… me Shopping?!?! lol) and I will share pics of that later.
For now…
Beautiful working horses.
Camp Pics… This was awesome! These people were actually camping and staying here for the weekend. This was a working functioning camp.
Malabar Farm. Amazing house!
Hubby hammin’. LOL!
Crazy shopping!!!!
The coolest people ever!!!! Check them out! I just had to get a pic with them. Mr. Primcat and I want to dress up like them for Halloween! Would that not be the coolest?
They shot these cannons off every hour on the hour! It was really cool! So thundering it shook the whole place!
That was our day at Malabar Farms. I highly recommend this show and guarantee you I will never miss it again. It was so much fun! Pics of my new treasures coming soon.
Until next time…
Carmen and the Primcats
PS...dont forget to sign up for my giveaway here!
I am so glad that the weather held out!!!
It sounds like a wonderful day...and I see that Mr. Primcat is holding a bag of goodies...can't wait to see what you purchased.
I am going to try to go next year.
Have a great week!
Looks like a fabulous fall day! I'm sure I would have loved that show and I can almost smell the campfire. ~Roberta
OH that looks like so much much fun!!!! Ohio seems to have all the good stuff and here is PA it's BLAH! I am trying to talk hubby into taking me over to Amish country again tho to do some Christmas shopping:D Fall is the best time to go there, so pretty!
Cool pix! Looks like such a neat event. Love those horsies! Did you two go for a ride? Great pics of you and hubby too! :-D
Ha I missed it , and Im still pouting :0( You two were lookin mewvouloussssssss saturday though! I can see you dressed up like that for Halloween should I start sewing the costumes?lol I always love the encampments and reenactments they are so very super cool ! Have a great day ,Ill see you later tater!
Hi, Carmen
Hubby & I went also~ Great show~ Just so pretty there~ the setting is peaceful~ the vendors amazing!!!
Hi Carmen......oh, I am so glad that you posted such great pics. I was so mad that I forgot my camera. Isn't that just the best setting ever? I kept seeing those people strolling around and I had to stare at the man's white curled up mustache, and he had the deepest voice. There is an article about the farm in yesterday's Columbus Dispatch about the farm. I didn't realize that it is 1000 acres.
Be waiting for more pics!
Hi Carmen. Looks like I will have to check it out next year. It looks like my hubby would have even enjoyed it.
Looks like a fun day! And that house is gorgeous! Can't wait to see what you bought :)
It looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I so hope I get to go next year. Can't wait to see what you purchased!!
we have something similar in June..and it is neat to see all the costumes..;) you are such a cutie patootie..but anyone that loves cats is a huge plus in my book..have a great week Carmen.)
I have heard so much about this show and would give my eyeteeth (if crows had eyeteeth) to go! So not fair that we don't have things like that here!!! (Yes, I'm pouting...because I CAN!) That house is GORGEOUS!!! WOO HOO!! You and hubby are the photos of you two!! Thanks for sharing....not the same as being there - but at least I know what I'm missing! ;o) Happy Monday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
What a wonderful beautiful time. I am so glad you posted pictures. I love the working camps and people all dressed up. You can really just imagine how things were in the early 1900's. Very cool. -Steph-
Looks like you had a fun day. I see lots of craft booths, that's always good. Love the primitive camps, very neat. Can't wait to see what you bought.
Country at heart
You were right ~ it looks very cool! You & Mr Primcats so should dress up like that for Halloween!!
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