I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday weeked! I know I am!
I've published 2 new pages on my blog so make sure you check them out. One is Prim Ohio about shops to hit up here. And the other is a giveaways page. So many amazing giveaways right now I want to make sure you don't miss any. Of course I still have the neet the Meet the Primcats and the Raw fed page too! So stop by and say hello to the kitties! Goods for sale is up too... but I only have one shoofly left. I'll be adding some goodes to there soon too.
On to the blogging part. Looking for some help here. I need some direction. I have been looking at purchasing a template that is just mine and just what I want. However… I know just want I want but can’t find it. UGH!
I really LOVE the one I have now by daisy gray… but I really want something custom just for the primcats.
I want it very similar to what I have now but in 3 column. I want to keep the center “old paper” but I want the outside to be different. Maybe something like Amybug does but I want it to be just mine. I love her templates but she doesn't have any customs available. I also really want tabs for my pages.
I want to keep my header picture of Poofie but I want it to be primmed up more and add a really nice Primcats title to it somehow and black out the dishwasher and the rest of the distractions. lol.
So… does anyone have any suggestions as to who I could go to to help me do this? I have looked around but I’m just kinda lost.
Appreciate any and all suggestions!
Until next time…
Carmen and the Primcats
Glad you are having a great holiday weekend. I know NOTHING about blog pages etc so all I can say is GOOD LUCK hon!! lol
Just wondering if you contacted Amybug. I get all my Ebay templates from her. I know she doesn't offer custom blog templates, but wonder if she would modify one to suit your needs.
It 's really easy to customize your own blog header if you photo shop the picture just the way you want and use that as your header instead. You can get tabs for your pages with blogger if you use a different format like picture window or something. As far as the other customizations you can request someone to make one for you just the way you want.
Don't know if this helps at all. I don't know much more than anybody else. -Steph-
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