I have been a very busy lady working hard on the fall decor and the distrubution of pumpkins. lol. I am happy to report they have all found a home and I need more!
Here's a little look back at the beginings of decorating...
Gizzy watched diligently from the wingback as I tore the house apart and then put it back together decorating for fall.
With a critical eye “I’m not sure that goes there Mom.”
Then she moved down to the hearth and stared at that crow for at least 2 hours. lol
And she stared…
“Why are you doing this Mom? Why must you put that bird there to mock us?”
“Did you guys see this?”
“I will eat you when Moms not looking.”
Eventually I moved it because she could not tear herself away from it. LOL. I felt bad for her!
A spider with a witch’s finger for dinner! (From Primitive Blessings)
The beginnings…
So... theres the framework!
I’ll be posting the finished results soon!
Until next time…
Carmen and the Primcats
Gizzy is one determined cat! That is the cutest thing that I have seen in a long time. LOL Beautiful fireplace dispay! I like the way the tree casts a nice warm glow on all of the wonderful fall items. Look forward to seeing more. Makes me think that since I have the day off, I should start hauling my stuff out of the side closet. I always start to late!
Giggles...Poor kitty being teased like that.Gotta say Gizzy has patience.The hearth looks wonderful.Harvest Blessings!~Amy
LOL, that crow must be fascinating to a kitty;) Love all your decor, I have some to get out, just have to find the energy, HA!
Your post sure made me smile this morning! When if Gizzy that she had scare that poor crow to death! LOL... The photos of her are just too cute!!
Love how you have decorated your hearth...so very pretty!
Love how you have put everything together on your hearth. Great pics of Gizzy and the crow!
LOL, that's made me laugh, Gizzy just waiting for that stinkin' crow to move... Fall is looking great at you house!
What a funny cat!! Will she be after the spider next? Your hearth looks great. I love the tree and the lights. The witch boots are fantastic too. Good job. -Steph-
Awesome hearth display Carmen!! Love all those touches of crow! ;o) And that Gizzy girl is too stinkin' cute! Funny girl!!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Looks wonderful so cozy~love the fireplace setting with the kitty cat~
oh Carmen I love your fall decorating..that is too funny about your gizzy..loved the photos..I purchased one of those stuffed ones that actually caws at you..the cats could care less..can't wait to see more of your wonderful decor.;)
Love the hearth display Carmen! And Gizzy's comentary is hilarious!
You are so funny again Carmen!
Such a pleasure and love Gizzie.
Loved seeing the photos of Gizzy staring at that crow! Such a hoot! Loved Gizzy's coments too. Such a sweet kitty! Reminds me of a kitty I had a couple of years ago who I miss very much.
Those captions with the pictures are hysterical. I wonder what goes through
their little furry heads? Was your
kitty trying to figure out if it was
real? The house looks great.
Here's what our cat likes to do.
He has an autumn ritual around here,
when I put mini gourds and mini pumpkins on the mantel and the leaf garland,
The Elder Statesman gets up there and one
by one, slowly pushes them to the edge and watches them fall to the floor.
Love what you have done so far! The pictures and captions with Gizzy are just TOO cute. LOL!
Blessings, Jessica
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