Painting at Jamie's went great last night. we got everything painted and I think after I left they got their first coat of stain on too. Awesome. I can’t wait to see it finished. I know it’s going to be amazing!
Until them, here’s the Primcats porch. Finally. LOL!
I was wondering if I would ever get to it.
Just look at all those pretty lines Mr. Primcat puts in the yard. He works hard on the yard and happily helps in the gardens too. I am very blessed to have such a helpful husband.
Speaking of Mr. Primcat. What a silly man! He just can’t let me have a photo shoot without hamming it up and making sure he lands on the blog too. LOL!
The porch!
Do you think I have enough pumpkins? I see empty places!!!! LMBO!
Welcome to out Porch. :)
Beautiful mums. And a real pumpkin from our neighbors patch. All the others are fakes from the goodwill.
Look what hubby found. We have hundreds of these at our house in our garden every year.I think we are a breeding ground. There are always at least one or two sticking to our screens.
My Dragon fly from Myra. Love it!
Mr. Primcat thought Mantis would like the mums.
And then I snapped this Awesome pic!
I see you! Boo!
Speaking of Boo’s…Here’s my Postie Ghosties Rachel from Somewhere in the Middle helped me make!
Scared… aren’t you!LOL!
And a wonderful new sign from the talented Rachel.
More pumpkins! More. More. More.
Tell me these aren’t the cutest ghosts you have ever seen?
I totally need more pumpkins. :)
I hope you all enjoyed the porch. I really like it this year. The ghosts make it! Thanks Rachel!
Until next time…
Carmen and the Primcats
Love your fall porch displays. The ghosts just make it perfect. Yeah, you could use some more pumpkins, LOL. Pumpkins just add such a pop of color. I see your hubs is a ham like mine, only mine is camera shy.
Thanks for sharing, I love looking at how everyone decorates their porch.
Have a nice Sunday
Country at heart
Loverlie! I don't know, one more pumpkin might tip the house sideways! Yes, I love the ghosties, they are so cute and perfectly placed. You have inspired me to get to work on mine.
Carmen, those are THE CUTEST ghosts I have ever seen!!!! and your porch and home are just picture perfect!!!! Btw....I do NOT see even one of those faded peach plastic pumpkins anywhere in sight that we discussed on FB yesterday:O Yours are beautiful and every one looks so real!!!! Love the praying mantis and your silly Mr., too cute!
Love love love Carmen. You and Mr Primcats have done a great job! I wish you were my neighbors! The ghosts are awesome.
Hugs Trace
Carmen, your home is beautiful! I love your porch and especially those ghosts! I need to learn to make some for my porch. Your DH is quite the fun!
Oh I love it!! You have a great porch, the ghosties look awesome!!
:) Stacy
Such a lovely porch that you get to decorate! It looks great with all your pumpkins and ghosties. Do you get trick or treaters?
I believe there is no such thing as too many pumpkins. If you can walk through without tripping over one, then there's plenty of room for more! ;)
Autumn blessings,
I Love your porch, Carmen. it looks awesome! And those ghosts are adorable!!!
Carmen, I love your porch with all the pumpkins & the cool ghosts. Your home looks fabulous.
Your porch looks great and I just think those are the cutest ghosts!
I love your porch! The ghosties do really top it off and look perfect were you placed them. Oh, and you can never have enough pumpkins :)
That's funny you found a praying mantis because when I was sweeping the porch yesterday, there was a praying mantis just chillin. So, of course I had to pick her up, let her crawl on me a bit, then we let her be on her way. I put her on a tree so hopefully nothing would get her.
BTW, I love the close up you got of the buggie's face!
Your porch is so beautiful! I love all your displays ~ you are the best at grouping things! Your ghosts are just perfect for your porch too! I'm glad we got to make them together! Your hubby is crackin me up in his pic....crazy man! lol Have a great Sunday ~ hope that darn tooth starts to feel better soon!
Your porch look so cute and those ghosts have to bring a smile to your face as you enter. Hope you have a great day. Dianntha
loved my visit today....and those ghost are the cutest ghost i have ever seen....thanks for sharing your is the best time of year for me to decorate....i love fall....
Loving your porch big time Miss Carmen...big time....But you're letting me down on the pumpkins....Think there could be TONS more!! ;o) Your ghosties are the perfect finishing touch....Wish Rachel would help me make some. Oh well, my porch isn't big enough have such a great area to work with - and have done it up maaavelous!! Hope that tooth lets you get some sleep!!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
what a wonderful fall treat to look at!!! Love the ghosts!!!
You have a really cute home. Loving it. The porch looks great.
ummmm I need to make some of those ghosts..they are so cute and they totally make your porch...and I think you could use 1 or 2 or 3 more pumpkins.;)
Love your porch!Those ghost are just so cute.Great Fall eye candy!Hugs,Jen
Love your porch...and the ghosts look awesome on it!! They are just so cute. I think you could put a few more pumpkins out there. LOL...
Great photos of the praying mantis!! We had one on our back screen door a couple of weeks ago. First one I'd seen in a long time.
Have a great week and I hope you tooth feels better soon.
Enjoyable! Love the way your ghosties turned out. Your porch is country prim friendly :o)
Your porch is very inviting. I love the ghosties and all pumpkins. The Mantis is very cool. We get them here too. -Steph-
Hi Carmen~
Love your porch!!
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