I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. I’m sure lots of you are busy readying for Trick or Treat. :) Always fun!
My root canal is “done”. I say”done” because it’s not. He didn’t cap it. Said my tooth wasn’t totally dead yet and he would cap it when it needed it. I don’t understand that. Every ounce of drilling is to much so why prolong it or make extra appointments. I just don’t understand. I’m kind of upset.
I’m also not happy with the way the tooth looks. There is a large lumpy burr on it that I’m going to have to go back in and have drilled off. Again, more drilling. More pain. I don’t understand why this wasn’t caught while I was still in the chair. It’s frustrating.
I’ve been seeing this dentist for a very long time but I think I’ve lost faith in his ability after this. :( This really bums me out. Everyone I talk to says my root canal has been handled badly. That my tooth should have been capped now and that the appearance of my tooth should have been perfect. I don’t know.
Lets talk about happier things… like fall in the kitchen! Ready? Lets go. Down the hallway…
And into the kitchen.
Stoveboard… Look, there’s my candy apple from Gina. :) Thank you Gina! And some pumpkins from Angie in the bowl on the scale.
Fall on the scales. Love those lumpy bumpy acorn pumpkins.
My fall stitchery from Linda. And a wonderful painted piece from my painting lady.
Some leaves above the cabinets.
Look… there’s the crow that Gizzy was freaking out about. I had to put it way up there so she could move on.
The other side…
Punky helping.
Pretty pumpkins and gourds.
This is Sophie. Our dog. LOL.
Lots of fall on this cabinet.
Bittersweet here and there.
Corn… Love corn.
My Pumpkin stack and cat from Rhonda at My Glory Stars.
Huge acorns on the table.
Garland on the chandelier.
Pumpkin on the scale.
My pillow from Linda.
Gizzy helping!!!
My wonderful pumpkin and crow from Gina.
My messy fridge!
Grungy bottles that Angie more than helped me make!
Favorite kitty sleeping spot! I even put a bed up there. :) I love my kitties. I want them to be happy.
Another wonderful scale.
With my mouse from Cheryl.
Next we will head into the dining room.
Fall in the kitchen is one of my favorites. I hope you enjoyed it.
Until next time…
Carmen and the Primcats
My Gosh Carmen...first.. may I reccommend you find a new dentist? I have never heard of leaving a "dead" tooth in someone's mouth and that's exactly what it is...a dead tooth...you cold have infection or damage to the bone...you poor thing...find another dentist!!
Secondly....I so enjoy looking at your beautiful home! All of your collections are just gorgeous and you have them put together so nice...how do you manage to keep it all so clean and dust free? They look just perfect!! THanks for posting all the pictures. Are you going to the Gathered Treasures show in Mansfield on the 12th?
It looks great. I am done with the fall decorating inside but still have a few things to do outsiide@
My root canal was done in 2 trips...and once i had the first appointment there was no more pain since the nerve was taken out! You might want to try a specialist who only does root canals! Hope you feel better. Dianntha
Holy smokes Girlfriend....There's a lot packed in this post....hardly know where to begin...but I'll do those that struck me the most: (1) Awesome everything and everywhere! (2) You must have a HUGE kitchen....Yikes!! (3) How the heck do the kitties get up to that cabinet and bed up there? and (4) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your scales!!!! I have such a soft spot for them, but my stinking kitchen/dining room is so small!!! (And somehow, they don't cut it in the bedroom....) And lastly, but not leastly....yeah, you need a new dentist. Bummer - BIG time!!! Wishing you a great Sunday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Hi, Carmen~
Your kitchen looks fall wonderful~ love the pumpkins on the scales~
so happy to hear other folks kitties will not stay down from on top of large cupboard tops and off of the counter tops~ giggles~ Mine are everywhere~ giggles~ like you Love them!!
hugs to you on your tooth~ I also say new dentist~ ugh!
have a nice day~
Maybe your dentist has taken on too many patients and cannot spend quality time with them anymore. My ex dentist did that and we switched.
Your kitchen looks spectacular! I hope you don't mind I take a few decorating ideas from you :-)
Your photos are AWESOME Carmen! So much fun to see all them gorgeous gourds and pretty pumpkins on display.
Your home is so beautiful. Absolutely LOVE the little mouse curled up sleeping. So cute.
The view out your window looks so nice too.
Just love it when you post new pics. You have a real knack for decorating.
Lovely Kitchen and dining room Carmen. I love the Mason jars and the sign. I also love your crocks full of spoons, mashers, and rolling pins. I want a scale for my kitchen but have yet to come across one. Prim perfect. -Steph-
OMG!!! Carmen, your kitchen and your home are pure heaven!!! I am soo sorry to say that if I lived there I would never leave!! It is beautiful!! I love the way you have staged your decorations and everything!! It is truely beautiful!Thank you so much for showing us and allowing us to visit! Please share how to make the grungy bottles.
ps, can you come to North Carolina to help me decorate my home??
sorry about the tooth saga, we have a wonderful dentist that we have been going to for a really long time. He is also a personal friend. A dead tooth should be pulled, not left. Give him a call, at least for a second opinion. His name is Tom Hutson and he is in Worthington. His receptionist is Sandy. Tell him The Dickinson's sent you!!
Love the Fall decorations.
Warm Wishes,
Just love how you have all the jars on top of your cabinets. I love jars too..And I thought your Tracy was my fav...But Punky is sooo cute too.
So sorry about dentist..UGH!!
Hugs to you
Oh Carmen that was so much fun to take your awsome tour!
Root canals in my opinion should be done by specialists i.e. Endodontists.
Happy Halloween!
How'd I miss your kitchen post?!?! :( I get behind on blog reading on the weekends w/the hubby & kid both being home! lol The kitchen looks wonderful ~ I still love your cabinets & pie safe ~ they are fabulous!!
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