Yes, it is in the cleaning isle with the other “dusting” products.
You just wipe in on and wala! Dark! No stanky smells like the stain and your piece is ready right then and there. Decorate NOW! :)
I keep a basket in my laundry room with all the shades of it, a pair of yellow rubber gloves, and a baggie full of used rags. I never throw away my “wet” rags because they hold the oil/color and can be used again and again.
I like to paint with a flat black. Distress and sand and then finish the piece with a wipe down of old english. Usually the dark is my choice. It’s great on large and small pieces. I use it on anything and everything that needs antiqued.
Here are some pieces I have finished in black then Old English. None of them are actually shiny. It’s the flash.
Bread boards
Try it. You’ll like it!
Until next time…
Carmen and the Primcats
Hi Carmen, you have some beautiful pieces!! Great job on the finishing. Thanks for the tip on the Old English. I used it years ago but hadn't thought of it until you last post. I love the look of all your stuff, I'll have to give it a try again.
Have a great day!!
What a GREAT idea Carmen!!!I may have to try this instead of my brown shoe polish next time:D
I used to use Olde English just to give my furniture a good moisterizing treatment twice a year, but I never thought of primming it up using the dark oil. GREAT IDEA!!! I had been using the Breewax, but I think this is much easier, cheaper and NO spell! I love your furniture and your post on the pie safes....I have yet to fine the "perfect pie-safe" least in my price range! You have a great blog!
Thanks for the tip Carmen. I like to stencil signs and then distress them and then wipe dark walnut minwax stain on them . Do you think this would work just the same or better?
Carmen, Thanks for sharing that information. I just got home from Walmart - have to add it to my next shopping trip. I think I might even have a coupon! Have a good weekend. ~Ann
Are there different shades? I will have to look next time I'm shopping. This will work great in the winter since I can't rely on warm weather to dry my stain. :)
You are all welcome!
Amy - Yes... this will work on your signs! I have primmed signs with it. You can do multiple coats to ge tit darker, just let it dry between.
Kindra - My post was a little misleading. It comes in light and dark. But it will give you differnt colors on different kinds of woods just like stain.
Another thing I use it on a lot... baskets! It prims up a new basket in seconds!!!!
I have used old english since I was married. Rember the really cool dark pine furniture???jk it was cool then. Thank you for becoming a follower.
I see the stock on Wall St for Old English going up as we speak, but the stock on the shelves will be dwindling....glad I already have mine.
Okay Carmen. off to the cleaning isle I send my hubby! Thanks for sharing that info luv. Your woodcrafts look so nice:)
Wow. I didn't expect such a response on this!
Carol - What a compliment coming from you - a master wood crafter that I envy so!!!! :) Thanks! Hope you like using it! It's great!
Thanks for posting such a great tip! I'll have to give it a try too.
An Added little comment from PrimCats Mom and My Primitive Creations by Tonya. You can also use the Old English Dark Scratch Cover to Stain Labels and Homespun scraps, Wood Clothes Pins, Wood Spools and etc. So remember to use gloves, wipe off with a lint free rag and Let Dry a few minutes. If you want a darker color you can then reapply. The nicest part about useing the Old English is it seals the wood so you can damp wipe it with no ill affects to the color of your wood. When your wood looks dull just give it a whole new coat of Old English. Everything I create to sell is aged with Old English Dark Scratch Cover.
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