Happy Thursday to you!
I am having a great day today! Because today, after work, I get to go down to Primitive Blessings and meet up with Pam to photograph her shop for her Christmas Open house!! If you haven’t been to Pam's new blog stop over and say hello. She’s not very internet savy yet but she does read your comments and it makes her feel good to know you appreciate the hard work she puts into her shop.
Oh I am soooooo excited! I have photographed and posted about her shop before so I can promise we are in for some amazing eye candy!!! Her shop is just amazing and I can’t wait!!!!! I’ll be like a little kid in a candy store. :)
So that is on the plate for tonight. Heading there right after work and it’s about an hour away. Hoping to make it home in time to get the pics posted tonight… but we shall see. If not I will get them up in the morning.
Second bit of good news… I have been approved for lasik! Woohoo! No more glasses! I'm scheduled for the end of January 2012.
I was denied years ago for the procedure where they open the flap on your eye laser it then put it back down for 2 reasons. One, I have an irregular cornea. It’s not the same thickness all the way around and cutting it isn’t recommended. And two I have dry eyes (I have never been able to wear contacts because they fall out) and they were concerned about the flap healing properly. But that’s all in the past now!
They now have a bladeless procedure that has no cutting. They laser right over your cornea. The down side is that instead of healing instantly it takes about 5 days, and instead of seeing perfect right after it builds up over weeks to your best vision.
It’s ok. I’m good with the down sides. I am so sick of glasses. And the very best part is that the cost is doable. Every time I get a new prescription and have to get new glasses and a pair of sunglasses it usually lands me about $800.00 bucks in the hole. Lasik is only double that. That’s two years worth of glasses replaced by permanent Lasik for the same price. I’m down with that!
So I am pretty excited today. Can’t bring me down!
So lets get to Thrifty Thursday…
I haven’t bought much the last 2 weeks. My house is full right now to the brim with pumpkins so unless it was a perfect piece I left it on the shelf. I did find a few prim perfect pieces but they will come later… because I jackpotted yesterday!
Oh yeah. J A C K P O T!
Check out this antique bad boy!
Yep… I got an antique sled at the goodwill!!!!
And clearly whoever was pricing that day had no idea this was an antique.
Because you are not going to believe what I paid for this.
Are you ready?
Yep… you read that right. Four Dollars. Not Fourty. Just four.
So basically if I don’t find a darn thing for the rest of the month… I’m good. :)
I’m thinking a Wreath and a of pair of ice skates… and wala! Winter display that can stay well into February. Loving.
Until next time…
Carmen and the Primcats
Great find Carmen!
You have a knack for finding great stuff!
I read your other posts, I am glad you had fun meeting Earlene, she is a nice lady!
Have a good week.
Love the sled and good luck with the lasik.
That it the best find so far~ girl that is Jackpot~ a beautiful antique~ So glad you got it!!!!!
Perfect for Prim Holiday decorating!!!
Woo~ HOOO~
Hey, good luck on the laser surgery, let us all know how it goes? Curious~ I always ask everyone~ Interested about it~ but kind of shakey about my eyes~
Hugs to you~ Best of luck for 20/20
I love, love, love that antique sled! Yay for you!
Best of luck on your lasik surgery!!
$4.00?????!!!!! That is a steal and I LOVE the sled!!!! our thrift stores NEVER get goodies like that in (unless the workers grab them up;) Good luck with the Lasik!
What a score!!!! My word,... what a stroke of luck! And in time for Christmas????? This is unbelieveable!!! It just goes to show, that patience and looking around can save us LOADS of money. Imagine if you had bought that on ebay?? In fact, it is so good, that is is like an investment; you may always have it in your stash to sell it for a HUGE profit, (though I know it isn't going anywhere! LOL) Oh, it would look fabulous with a primitive santa next to it! Enjoy!
Wow! You really did hit the jackpot when you found that sled. Oh my, it's gorgeous. I wonder sometimes who does the pricing at goodwill.
Best of luck with your lasik surgery in Jan. I had the opportunity to do it, but I'm to chicken. Don't like the thought of someone poking at my eyes, Lol!
Enjoy your day!
Oh I think a wreath will look so nice on the sleigh! Glad you're getting the eye surgery! Can't wait to see the pictures you'll be sharing with us of your visit tonight! Enjoy your day!
Holy snikies!!!! Sweet deal. Gotta love clueless employees :)
Can't wait to see the store pictures.
TEASE!!! yes I am sticking my tongue out at you again today ! lol great STEAL you got there, darn I knew I shoulda shopped your store the other day when you told me not to lol! Have a great day ! hugs lilraggedyangie
Ok....now I'm really, truly, ugly, green...Crikey!!! That is the deal of the century!!! LOVE it!!! And, yes, I will admit, I covet it - even though I'm not supposed to. Yay on the lasix...I would love to have that done, but they're telling me I still would need glasses - so why bother. And now I have a cataract too (WTH??? I'm not THAT old!) - at this point, I'd just be happy to be able to see with one pair of glasses rather than multiple pairs! Have fun tonight - will be looking forward to the photo-intensive post to come! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
wow that sled is awesome..it would have been 40 here..great news on the lasik..I can't get it cause my eyeballs twitch..and they need your eyes to hold still and the part where they play with your eye..just doesn't sit well with me..I too have dry eyes..have a great thursday.:)
Well, I'm just jealous all the way around!
I wish I could have gotten lasiks when I was younger.
And the sled? Great find--right place at the right time! It is perfect and so beautiful....
Inside with a mitten full of evergreen and a snowman poking out of it on a wreath with red berries, maybe sugared blackberries. The possibilities are endless..... Definitely, a winner! You got the deal of the week! maybe month!
OMG!!!!!!! LOVE IT!! Great, I mean AMAZING FINDING, lucky girl! It is prim perfect. Good luck with your Lasik procedure.
You really hit the ball out of the park on this one!!! LOVE IT!!!!
I'm too chicken to let anyone mess with my eyes. I have glasses, but haven't worn them since I went to paramedic school 8 years ago lol.
What a neat old sled and what a deal!! awesome! Good luck to you on your upcoming lasik!!
I'm jealous too. You must have the best Goodwill ever in your town. Can't wait to see how you dress it up.
What a steal you got on the sled.
I love it!! Will look great all decorated for the holidays.
Have fun,
Wow Carmen what a steal! Glad to hear you don't have to have glasses anymore!
Boy it was your lucky day!! That sled is pretty darn cool! Good luck with your lasik ~ I'd love to get it done someday too. :O)
Jackpot for sure!!
I swear my jaw dropped right on my keyboard when I read the price that you paid for that AWESOME sled!! As I matter of fact it is hard to type with it still gapping open :o)
Congratulations for snatching such a great find!
OMMGoodness, what a deal! It is fabulous and will make a wonderful winter display.
Great find!! Lucky girl!!
Wow! What a great price! Unbelievable. I would say that would satisfy my thrfting for awhile. I would love to have lasix, just haven't justified the $$$ yet. It is coming at some point, maybe the lottery? Good for you! Can't wait to see how you decorate the sled...and the shop pics!
Wow, how neat is that sled, and the price was a steal. You just never know what someone will donate to the goodwill.
It is very unique, I haven't seen one like that before. It looks great on your fire place. It can be decorated in so many ways all year long.
How nice that you got to meet Earlene. Good luck with your lasik appointment, what a good opportunity to have it done.
Can't wait to see your sled decorated for the holidays.
Country at heart
amazing find!! I love it!! You are such a lucky girl!
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