I did however finally find time to catch up on emails all the way back to last Thursday. I was so busy at home this weekend that while I did jump online whenever I took a break… I just didn’t have time to reply to emails. And I never like to leave a comment hanging. ;) You know me. So it felt GOOD to reply back to everyone and clean up my inbox. :) I hope you all aren’t annoyed by the multiple replies in one day.
ok… so ya’ll remember this mess?
Well, with Miss Tracy’s wise and authoritative supervision…
(She’s a slave driver I tell ya. Just look at that “get it done Woman!” look she’s giving me. She almost looks like she’s putting her paw down! LOL!)
I managed to turn that huge mess of stuff… into this tiny pile of 4 totes and 5 trash bags of pumpkins. Not bad!
Thank goodness Tracy was there to keep me working.
By the end of last night I had fall gone and the living room tree up and decorated! Yay Christmas! :)
As promised… here are some more pictures of Pam’s shop and as before you can find the rest of the pictures of this room at her blog here:
Primitive Blessings
Until Next time…
Carmen and the Primcats
Glad it's all put away till next year and you can begin the fun of decorating for Christmas!
It seems its all over too quickely doesn't it! I will be putting out my Christmas/winter decs after Thanksgiving (then my pile will look like yours!). Can't wait to see what you come up with for Christmas. Also liked the phototrail of Gail's shop.
Wow now thats alot of pumpkins.
Decorating for the holidays are soo much fun.
Love Pams shop.
Hugs Trace
Hi Carmen, sounds like you are off to a great start for Christmas!! Can't wait to see pics.
Love your little helper that kept you on track with getting all the Fall goodies put away.
Can't wait to see your home all decorated for Christmas.
Wow Carmen..you must have packed to totes good, girl, LOL... Miss Tracy sure is a pretty kitty, but she does have that No Monkey Business look about her ;)
Looking forward to seeing your Christmas decorating...
Carmen! WOW!!! Got to love totes , you can get so much more in there then one would think! Did you get your ornies today? if not tomorrow for sure. OLM
You were one productive gal! I can see why, though. Miss Tracy's stern look clearly says "don't test me, lady". I like the orange and black totes. Color coding is always helpful. Have a good week! ~Roberta
Ok....I was having major pangs of guilt thinking I had so many more boxes and totes than I should probably confess too - but I think I know why - I individually box or wrap all my decorations before putting them in the boxes/totes. So, really, I don't have so much (right?) Ugh...keep it up Girlfriend - you're inspiring me.... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
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