Friday, October 8, 2010

Trashy Treasures

Earlier this week I was driving through town on my lunch hour and came across a HUGE pile of trash as big as my Jeep Cherokee from a house that was being gutted.

To my surprise I spotted a beautiful prim chippy antique door that I just had to have. I called hubby and told him we were going trash picking after work. When we got there later that night… not only was the door I saw there… but there were two more solid wood doors!!!! And a wonderful prim armoire thingie buried under all that trash!!

Just look at my free trash picked goodies!

I’m collecting doors to build that “Door Wall” I’ve posted about previously. I think I have 6 or 7now!!! Getting closer!!! (Darn… the really cute one is on the bottom of the pile and you can’t see it. Sorry.)


And this old piece is PERFECTLY PRIM! It’s chippy and messy and cracked and missing the mirror and the door… but I love it! And I can’t wait to find a spot for it! How fun is that?


See you soon! Until next time!

Carmen and the Primcats


Carmen S. said...

Hi Carmen! WOW, free treasures, who can pass that up;)

Lewaina@cliffsideranch said...

wOW! For real!
What an amazing find!