Saturday, October 30, 2010

It’s here!!!! And it’s mine!!!


Finally! After years of waiting. I have my pie safe!

He did an amazing job! I am beyond pleased. It’s stunning!

Mr. Primcat did a final sand on it last night and I’m hoping to get to paint it this evening. We have a wedding at two or I’d be painting it right now!

It’s currently standing guard in the prim craft room (you haven’t seen that room yet, but pics will be coming as soon as it’s finished) awaiting it’s final touches!

Some before pics…





I can’t wait to get my paint out later. You just can’t even imagine how happy I am!

And I’m already dreaming up whatever I’m going to have him build me next!

Until next time…


Carmen and the Primcats


Unknown said...

Oh my Carmen, it is wonderful!!!
I cant wait to see it painted and decorated.

Carmen S. said...

It is AWESOME Carmen! So happy it is bringing you so much joy, have fun painting;)

Denise * KKL Primitives said...

WOW - Mr. PrimCat did an awesome job!!!! I LOVE it!!! How I envy you ladies who have hubbys who can do woodwork! Can't wait to see it all finished!

Carmen and the Primcats said...

Mr Primcat didn't build it. I WISH he could! LOL! I had a carpenter build it. :) And that carpenter did a great job!